How can I make my bot receive and save a file I send it? – Telegram API
How can I make my bot receive and save a file that I send it in a telegram? I want my bot to receive a pdf file that I send from my cell phone. I'm doing it in python but…
How can I make my bot receive and save a file that I send it in a telegram? I want my bot to receive a pdf file that I send from my cell phone. I'm doing it in python but…
I was doing a code in the app "Atom" and when I tried to run this code require 'telegram_bot' token = 'MY_TOKEN' bot = token) bot.get_updates(fail_silently: true) do |message| puts "@#{message.from.username}: #{message.text}" command = message.get_command_for(bot) message.reply do |reply| case…
I use pyrogram for my bot I want to send a messages with buttons: from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton,ReplyKeyboardMarkup from pyrogram import types def cmd_start(self, chat_id, message): with Client("my_acc", api_id=self.api_id,api_hash=self.api_hash,proxy=self.proxy) as app: start_service = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='but1', callback_data='service') start_system = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text='but2', callback_data='system')…
I have an static ip address and I want to use it as Telegram bot webhook. In the other words, my bot application runs on my local system, and I configured my modem to forward requests from that ip address…
I want to scrape a Telegram group with Telethon API. But this code scrapes all users in the group. But I want to scrape only online and last seen recently users. How to do it? from telethon.sync import TelegramClient from…
I want to remove/hide reply keyboard from a message I try: await event.edit(buttons=[]) but it doesn't work
I'm trying to send an invoice message in the Telegram bot, but get an error {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: can't parse prices JSON object"} Here is my send invoice def: def sendInvoice(chat_id): invoice = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'title': 'Оплата услуги', 'description': 'Лайки на…
I am making a personal small PHP Telegram Bot. But there is a problem I want to make a function which helps me to reply to user just by replying to the message he sent. Like when a user sends…
I am using laravel-notification-channels/telegram I've implemented welcome notification for my users and my bot sending that message with no issue, the second part of my implementation is to add those users (who I've sent welcome message) into my channel. PS:…
I have such replying keyboard: keyboard = [ [ InlineKeyboardButton("Play with a bot", callback_data=str(ONE)), InlineKeyboardButton("Results", callback_data=str(TWO)), ] ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text(None, reply_markup=reply_markup) It gives me such a result: How can I get rid of the first "null" string?