Upload videos more than 50mb on telegram bot using python – Telegram API
I can only upload videos upto 50mb. But many bots on telegram can send videos upto 2gb. So,I need a Python code to upload large videos on telegram bot. Please help me.
I can only upload videos upto 50mb. But many bots on telegram can send videos upto 2gb. So,I need a Python code to upload large videos on telegram bot. Please help me.
i am using Pyrogram to work with telegram API. I have succeed to join channel. I have a task to add message handler and receive messages in channel. But the message handler is not invoked when message arrives (i am…
How can I answer inline queries in telegram bots in php(laravel) with Telebot plugin? I'm working on a bot project in laravel and I'm using the Telebot package. does Telebot support answerInlineQuery method? I can't find it. WeStacksTeleBotLaravelTeleBot::answerInlineQuery([]); //this doesn't…
I'm writing a Telegram bot that provides button choices to the user. I'd like to ensure the user chooses from one of the buttons, rather than sending a custom text message or sticker or whatever. Is there some way to…
Good afternoon, I'm trying to build a Telegram project. When I try to build the project I get the following error. MacOS 12.1 Xcode 13.3 (13E113) Bazel 5.0.0 m1 For assembly I use the official readme Git with this script:…
I built a Telegram bot with Python and deployed on Heroku. The app interacts with Telegram via webhook and after that waits for a console input in order to execute additional commands. The app works properly, but I don't know…
Having troubles with sending image with text. Instead of actual image, I'm just getting the path to it. I wonder if someone knows what is the problem in my code. Instead of the path I want an actual image import…
I have created a testing telegram bot with some commands, but the username is not what I want. But I found that the username of my bot is unable to change, thus I need to create a new telegram bot.…
I tried to stream an mp3 file to a Telegram RTMP live using the following command: ffmpeg -re -i 1.mp3 -c copy -f mp3 rtmps://dc4-1.rtmp.t.me/s/145158:AtyF3rrME2nHEkqGA But I couldn't hear any sound in the stream.
There's a problem - for some reason I don't understand, the code doesn't want to write a value to the database. The concept of the code is as follows - a person sends a message and the bot writes his…