How can I send an image with a caption using Telethon in python? – Telegram API
I'm aware I can use this client.send_file(receiver, '/path/to/photo.jpg') to send an image, but how can I attach a caption to the image?
I'm aware I can use this client.send_file(receiver, '/path/to/photo.jpg') to send an image, but how can I attach a caption to the image?
I'm building a telegram chatbot in nodejs that will work on webhook. Currently, bot hits my webhook URL with every message in chat. Is it possible to only push payload on command execution for the bot? So I would like…
I am trying to find the API endpoint for telegram... a public one that does not require any login or API keys... I found this: which includes a long JSON list of functions. Not sure if there are other…
I've made a bot using java, and it works perfectly using my laptop as the host machine (the program runs in my machine and telegram users can use my bot as long as i'm running it on my machine). In…
Code Snippet: ctx.reply( `Hi! ${ctx.from.first_name} 👋 n n Shall we start? 👇 `, Markup.inlineKeyboard( [ Markup.button.url( "Covid-19 🇮🇳 IN", "" ), Markup.button.url("WHO 🌎", ""), ], { columns: 2 } ) ); This is throwing a 400 Bad request URL exception.…
Currently, I have created a Python bot with buttons that can be pressed to add orders to a list of orders, as shown below: Sample of the Telebot's Buttons and the List My bot is in separate chat groups, Chat…
Is there any way using Python / JS to forward messages which I, as a member, do receive in a private read-only group? I'm trying to set it up using python-telegram-bot but it seems I gotta add the bot to…
I have the following code to download media from chat: getmessage = client.get_messages(dialog, limit=1000) for message in getmessage: try: if == None: print("message") continue else: print("Media**********") client.download_media(message) I want to limit the download media size to X MB, How…
the same list When you type "/" in the telegram bot, a menu appears with possible commands and their descriptions. I know this is done with types.BotCommand (), however I cannot figure out how to apply it correctly.
I wanted to send a Document via Telegram bot API and my document is stored locally. I tried: But I got Error... Bad Request: failed to get HTTP URL content This method only works in remote URLs, how to…