Get telegram group ID – Telegram API
At first i should emphasis that this is a question about telegram GROUP NOT CHANNEL.I need to get group id to send message via telgram api. I have review this link . using @rawDataBot needs to add bot to group,…
At first i should emphasis that this is a question about telegram GROUP NOT CHANNEL.I need to get group id to send message via telgram api. I have review this link . using @rawDataBot needs to add bot to group,…
I'm making a telegram bot using telepot to serve as a "medical" survey. I've done up the bot and it is working. Now I want this bot to send a message automatically at certain times of the day or after…
Is there any method to send stickers using the id attribute of event.file? The documentation points out to send it using the id and the access_hash of a particular sticker set and then finally using index with sticker_set to send…
Zapier does not offer native integration for Telegram. How can one send a message to Telegram chat from Zapier?
I would like to have a little Telegram bot in python where a command is issued by the user, the bot asks a question and reacts depending on the answer. The official Telegram API mentions that this is possible using…
I am using telegram bot api (telebot), flask and gunicorn. When I use command python everything is work fine but when I use python flask is stated on and bot doesn't answer and if I am using…
Im trying to run my .sh scipt via a telegram message: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS server Telegram-cli with a lua script to action script when i send the message "status" to my server via telegram it actions the…
I am making Telegram Bot and I have two inline buttons. I need to do that when the user clicks on a button bot would answer like "Hi @username". How to do that?
I am using "python-telegram-bot" library and have been looking at various examples over the internet. I have noticed there are two ways to reply in a conversation: the first: ''', text=msg)''' the second: '''update.message.reply_text(text=msg)''' practically they both work. Should…
sendDocument requires multipart/form-data. $path = 'C:file.txt' $userId = 12345 $token = "ABC123" $url = "" [net.servicepointmanager]::securityprotocol = 'ssl3,tls,tls11,tls12' $url = $url.Replace("-",$token).Replace("+",$userId) $Response = Iwr -Uri $url -Method Post -InFile $path -ContentType "multipart/form-data" $Response.Content But i got Error:400. How to properly…