Json in python loop – Telegram API
I'm a total beginner, I have a question: I'm going to create a telegram bot using botogram, I would like to insert my list's element in a JSON code by python loop. In this case I would like to create…
I'm a total beginner, I have a question: I'm going to create a telegram bot using botogram, I would like to insert my list's element in a JSON code by python loop. In this case I would like to create…
Am writing my first telegram bot for group chats with python-telegram-bot package. And faced an issue. Bot with exactly same rights (all of them, incl. adding new admins) in my test groups (few users) - can promote new admins and…
I am making a Telegram bot with Telegraf framework in JavaScript with nodeJS. I want to send a message to the user every Monday morning at 9.00 AM. How can I make this time based trigger in telegraf js?
I'm trying to run this first code snippet provided by the Telethon documentation. But, after multiple problems (here and here), I ended up with this modified version: import os import sys from telethon.sync import TelegramClient, events # import nest_asyncio #…
I have a private channel in Telegram. It's possible to block forward messages from channel for members. Maybe it's possible with bot? Or maybe you can describe how I can secure my content?
Below is the code that I use for a telegram bot that posts new updates from my preferred subreddit. This is not my code (I found it online on stack overflow) but I keep getting this error. I've searched everywhere…
Upon trying following code on Telethon 1.11.3 , python 3.7.3 from telethon import TelegramClient api_id = xxx #i give my id api_hash = xxx##i give my client = TelegramClient(name, api_id, api_hash) async def main(): # Now you can use all…
I'm learning how to make telegram bots. With webhook telegram send you a post request with some message. I want my server to get this request, process and send new request to telegram get/post. For example: telegram bot sent me…
I would like to make my BOT reply to a specific message like this: I am using the "reply_to_msg_id" with the ID of the message to replies to, but it doesn't work. Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance, Giacomo
can I use some methods from here - Telegram API for my Telegram Bot. I am asking because I need in a methods which no present in Telegram Bot Api. If yes, please write How I can to do that.