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php instance error, Not found – Telegram API

I try to learn MadelineProto for make a my telegram userBot. When I make the instance of the API class, I get this Error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'API' not found in /var/www/html/projects/quotidiano/MadelineProto/src/danog/MadelineProto/test.php:3 The code is this: $MadelineProto…


How i can add my contact in my channel with telethon API python – Telegram API

this is info my channel : dialogs, entities = client.get_dialogs(1) entity = entities[0] print(entity) (channel (ID: 0xa14dca52) = (creator=True, kicked=None, left=None, editor=None, moderator=None, broadcast=True, verified=None, megagroup=None, restricted=None, democracy=None, signatures=None, min=None, id=1135498252, access_hash=-6282984409346664480, title=channel_test, username=None, photo=(chatPhotoEmpty (ID: 0x37c1011c) = ()), date=2017-07-04…

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