Telegram api send an already uploaded photo
Telegram bot api supports sending an already uploaded photo. Does telegram api also support sending an already uploaded photo? I looked at the api documentation but couldn't find any relevant method.
Telegram bot api supports sending an already uploaded photo. Does telegram api also support sending an already uploaded photo? I looked at the api documentation but couldn't find any relevant method.
I'm trying to develop with the new Telegram source code, but when debugging, I got this error. I have put API, Hockey API, and have tried by following, but I am not finding any luck. Please help. Thank You…
I'm developing a Bot that I want users to call in a reply to a previous message. So you would reply to a message with the bot command. For Example User 1: Hello World User 2: (Reply to Hello World)…
i use this script for connect and create sessions in telethon from telethon import TelegramClient from import GetHistoryRequest from telethon.utils import get_input_peer api_id = 7**** api_hash = 'ef584d*****************' client = TelegramClient('+15159947451', api_id, api_hash) client.connect() if not client.is_user_authorized(): client.send_code_request('+15159947451') client.sign_in('+15159947451',…
How do I save a number in my contacts in telethon python? from telethon import TelegramClient from import GetContactsRequest from import InputPeerUser client = TelegramClient('arta0', api_id, api_hash) client.connect() #number=+19133704541 #name='ali karimi' What module do I need to add…
when i use this command for see contact : result = client.invoke(GetContactsRequest("")) print(result) i see this result : (contacts.contacts (ID: 0x6f8b8cb2) = (contacts=['(contact (ID: 0xf911c994) = (user_id=334412783, mutual=False))'], users=['(user (ID: 0x2e13f4c3) = (is_self=None, contact=True, mutual_contact=None, deleted=None, bot=None, bot_chat_history=None, bot_nochats=None, verified=None,…
How can I see all my contacts and send them messages? i use Telethon (API telegram python). from import ResolveUsernameRequest from import InputChannelEmpty from telethon import TelegramClient from import Messages from import Contacts api_id = 1****…
I am trying to delete a message using telegram API and Telethon. Here is my code: from telethon import InteractiveTelegramClient from import InputPeerChannel from import DeleteMessagesRequest #... total_count, messages, senders = client.get_message_history( chat, limit=1) msg = messages[0] result…
I would like to download the chat history (all messages) that were posted in a public group on Telegram. How can I do this with python? I've found this method in the API which I think looks like what…