conditional trigger mysql
I want to make the code that if any of new column's value is null change that one to the value of row before with trigger event CREATE TRIGGER updateField BEFORE INSERT ON message FOR EACH ROW IF (NEW.COLUMN IS…
I want to make the code that if any of new column's value is null change that one to the value of row before with trigger event CREATE TRIGGER updateField BEFORE INSERT ON message FOR EACH ROW IF (NEW.COLUMN IS…
I'm trying to execute the triggers.sql file. Below is my prisma.schema and triggers.sql file code. I've already migrate the prisma schema and generated it as well. So when I'm running the command npx prisma db execute --file ./prisma/triggers.sql in the…
I need to update the Azure SQL Server table if another SQL Server tables is updated. For example: I have one Azure SQL table dbo.Azuretable and I also have a SQL Server table dbo.sqlservertable. Both these tables are part of…
I want to create a s3 trigger that calls an api when someone tries to access/download a file stored in s3. I saw some usecases for s3 trigger only for creating and deleting files. But couldnot find triggers when someone…
I need to write a trigger so that it counts the total purchase amount(total_price) in the purchase_data table, that is, multiplies the quantity(product_count) from the purchase_data table by the price of the product(product_price) from the product table. It is necessary…
I'd like to create trigger function, without specifying by name the other columns that can't be updated. Example: Create table test(id integer, name text, amount numeric); I'd like to prevent updates of any columns other than amount, but to avoid…
I am new to Postgresql (v.13). I have 50 tables into a "ign" schema (schema other than public). I would like for each of these 50 tables: Add a prefix to the name of the table: "IGN_bdTopo_" Add a suffix…
I want to map different branches with different azure pipelines in 1-1 fashion. But a change in single branch is triggering multiple pipelines. How to prevent this? How to configure single pipeline with single branch and its application.yml file?
Hi i have a table named data_table with columns ID | DATA Id is integer and Data stored like this: a:19:{s:10:"store_name";s:9:"STORENAME";s:6:"social";a:7:{s:2:"fb";s:0:"";s:7:"twitter";s:0:"";s:9:"pinterest";s:0:"";s:8:"linkedin";s:0:"";s:7:"youtube";s:0:"";s:9:"instagram";s:0:"";s:6:"flickr";s:0:"";}s:7:"payment";a:2:{s:6:"paypal";a:1:{i:0;s:5:"email";}s:4:"bank";a:0:{}}s:5:"phone";s:0:"";s:10:"show_email";s:2:"no";s:7:"address";a:6:{s:8:"street_1";s:0:"";s:8:"street_2";s:0:"";s:4:"city";s:0:"";s:3:"zip";s:0:"";s:7:"country";s:0:"";s:5:"state";s:0:"";}s:8:"location";s:0:"";s:6:"banner";i:0;s:4:"icon";i:0;s:8:"gravatar";i:0;s:14:"show_more_ptab";s:3:"yes";s:9:"store_ppp";i:12;s:10:"enable_tnc";s:3:"off";s:9:"store_tnc";s:0:"";s:23:"show_min_order_discount";s:2:"no";s:9:"store_seo";a:0:{}s:24:"dokan_store_time_enabled";s:2:"no";s:23:"dokan_store_open_notice";s:0:"";s:24:"dokan_store_close_notice";s:0:"";} Also i have another table named user_stores ID | STORE Id is integer and store is string format. I…
i'm creating a trigger that triggers on INSERT on a table, and i wish to log the structure of tables inserted so i wrote this Function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_table_log_received() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE added_column TEXT; target_table_name TEXT;…