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React native – Cannot Find TestID for react-native Unit test cases, following is the description for the same

Test Case: it("Test Email text by test id" , () => { const testIDName='email-title'; const {getByTestId} = render( <Provider store={store}> <NavigationContainer><Login /></NavigationContainer> </Provider>); const foundID=getByTestId(testIDName); expect(foundID).toBeDefined(); }) Element Structure: <Text testID= {'email-title'} style={styles.emailText}>Email</Text> Error Being Thrown: Unable to find an…

VIEW QUESTION – How to mock dependency of service that has fuction with argument in type of 'async Function'?

I have a function here that is for getting the logs in the queue. How can I mock this function for unit testing ? void QueueBackgroundWorkItem(Func<CancellationToken, IServiceProvider, Task> workItem); Mock<IBackgroundTaskQueue> _Mock= new Mock<IBackgroundTaskQueue>(); _Mock.Setup(x=>x.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(?)).Returns(Task.CompletedTask); Thank you.

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