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Javascript – can a js URL object be a long number?

new URL(`http://12345678901`) is not valid but new URL(`http://1234567890`) and new URL(`http://a12345678901`) are. these work: console.log(new URL(`http://1234567890`)) console.log(new URL(`http://a12345678901`)) This does not: console.log(new URL(`http://12345678901`)) Here's the error in chrome: VM2064:1 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL at :1:1 (anonymous)…


Reactjs – Changing Localhost

i am a beginner (i don't even know how to ask the question correctly) and i try creating my first clone website as a project with the help of youtube tutorial and everything went well but i have one issue…


Laravel – How to release only API routes

I developed a web application with React frontend and Laravel for stateless API. I would like to access to the frontend with the url "http://localhost/my-application" and the backend's API with the url "http://localhost/api/my-application/". I created the folder "www/api/my-application" and here…

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