Azure Devops pipeline agent choice
I have a Azure Windows Vm running separately with mysql server installed on it (it is not Sql vm). Users login to this Vm via WVD or RDP and make queries manualy. I'd like to create pipeline that makes qsl…
I have a Azure Windows Vm running separately with mysql server installed on it (it is not Sql vm). Users login to this Vm via WVD or RDP and make queries manualy. I'd like to create pipeline that makes qsl…
I am attempting to follow the guide, Running macOS in a virtual machine on Apple silicon. I downloaded the file, extracted it, and opened the project in Xcode. I used my personal Apple developer profile for signing. Now, I'm…
I have a high-spec CPU server, and I want to use it to create a Kubernetes cluster. The server specs are as follows: CPU cores: 64 Memory: 1024 GiB OS: Ubuntu 22.04 In this case, how to build a Kubernetes…
I have setup Virtual network and required subnets in a resource group. I have created a VNET secured VM, a Bastion subnet and Bastion service. Bastion service is attached with a public IP address. I am trying to open my…
I am trying to run PowerShell script to Create the target resource settings object for a VM. But it's throwing error : PS /home/user> $targetResourceSettingsObj = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ResourceMover.Models.Api202101.VirtualMachineResourceSettings New-Object: Cannot find type [Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.ResourceMover.Models.Api202101.VirtualMachineResourceSettings]: verify that the assembly containing this type…
I've launched Jenkins to my Virtual machine agent. My virtual machine is Ubuntu 20.04. When I run node -v on VM, I get v16.20.1. But when I run this pipeline in Jenkins: pipeline { agent { label 'ubuntu-server' } stages…
So I'm working with ROS2 on my MacBook air M1 and need gazebo for simulations. The OS I'm working with is Ubuntu 22.04 ARM on Parallels Desktop 18. I'm running ros2 Humble, and its gazebo counterpart Gazebo Gardens. Rviz is…
I work under Ubuntu 22.04 installed on a Virtual Machine. Recently, I used pip3 install tensorflow to install TensorFlow. I got the following error: $ python3 Python 3.8.17 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jun 16 2023, 07:06:00) [GCC 11.4.0]…
Monthes ago my colleague created few Virtual Machines in Microsoft Azure. During the creation process it was taken the Windows 10 image that is published by Microsoft. Recently I the information, that this image habe been scheduled for deprication. It's…
I have tried to fit a Keras model on a notebook in Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio GPU machine. I have received an error similar to what was described here: 2023-04-27 09:56:21.098249: E tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Loaded runtime CuDNN library: 8.2.4 but…