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Visual Studio Code – Why does my user settings.json have greyed-out entries that say "This setting cannot be applied while a non-default profile is active"?

I have yet another baffling encounter with a developer tool. I wanted to override some VSCode Terminal settings with my own values. I decided to use the settings.json file for these 3 values: "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Menlo, monospace", "terminal.integrated.fontSize": 13, "terminal.integrated.fontWeight": "bold"…


VScode – Unable to load schema for package.json

So I was working on a project and today I saw an error about VScode being unable to resolve package.json schema: CSS contributions to package.json Problems loading reference 'vscode://schemas/settings/configurationDefaults': Unable to load schema from 'vscode://schemas/settings/configurationDefaults': cannot open vscode://schemas/settings/configurationDefaults. Detail: Unable…


Visual Studio Code – make: function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try

I am learning Go lang by this video tutorial . My environment: Windows 11 x64, Visual Studio Code 1.75.1 (latest), Go v1.20.1 (latest). File main.go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("We good") } File go.mod module newsfeeder…

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