How to run/start VsCode in Centos 7
I have installed vscode on a remote server(which means I have to use ssh) running on Centos 7. The version of vscode is 1.54.3. When I run code, the line get executed but the vscode does not start. When I…
I have installed vscode on a remote server(which means I have to use ssh) running on Centos 7. The version of vscode is 1.54.3. When I run code, the line get executed but the vscode does not start. When I…
Since upgrading to the latest VS Code (1.53.2) on my CentOS 7 host recently (64-bit x86), code chews up 100% of a core, indefinitely, every time I ran it (no extension installed). When I downgraded code to 1.52.0 everything was…
Most examples on the web for getting PHP debugging working with VSCode and WSL use Xdebug 2.x php.ini settings. Those no longer work with version 3.0. See the Xdebug Upgrade for details on changes. The following worked for me on…
Switched to visualcode(Version: 1.53.1) recently for Python(2.7.5 is the interpreter). Set up remote-ssh(localclient - OSX and remote machine - CentOS 7) and i am able to write and execute code without issues. It's a pretty big code base and the…
I just wanted to start VS Code on Windows Subsystem Linux but VS Code updates automatically. The issue is a certificate which VS Code wants to access but it is blocked by kaspersky. Kaspersky is installed on Windows 10. I…
I use the latest Version of Visual Studio Code (1.52.1) with PHP Intelephense 1.5.4 on Ubuntu. Despite it is the latest Version it seems not to know the new PHP 8 Syntax. For example it shows an error when using…
I am trying to debug on my XAMPP using VSCode and didn't worked. I know there are tons of questions about this and I've tried everything I can but still won't work. There is really 1 thing weird thou about…
My computer crashed and I had to reinstall my system today. I'm running Windows 10 with VS Code and I'm using Debian (WSL) as my main terminal. I have installed VS Code with the "Add to PATH" option and I…
I've written a long and complicated server program on windows. Used visual studio 2019. Then I've created a CentOS 8 operating system on vm virtualbox and transferred all the code there. And rebuilt an executable with visual code. That works…
Recently i have started using docker for my project running with the following Django Nginx Gunicorn Celery Postgres Redis Earlier it was easy to setup debugger but after using docker-compose i am not able to do that. As soon as…