Javascript – React doesnt update site
I'm making simple todo list in react, and when i delete a task it doesnt update immediately, but when i make a change in input, I don't know why it happens. Tried to change how deleteTask works but i didnt…
I'm making simple todo list in react, and when i delete a task it doesnt update immediately, but when i make a change in input, I don't know why it happens. Tried to change how deleteTask works but i didnt…
Im currently learning web dev so I wrote a tasklist app using React + Vite in VSCode. You can see it here: In Vite's documentation you can find several ways to deploy an app (Git-hub pages, Netlify, etc...) but…
I am working on a project and this is my first time working with apis and realized that apis are expensive, so when i make changes in my react vite tsx project it seems to be calling it each time…
I just switched from Vue / Vite to Laravel / Vue / Vite stack. Everything is working fine, static images that are used in vue like this are working great after npm run build or after npm run dev except…
I am trying to build a React, Tailwind, Vite project on github pages. I have deployed projects before and not ran into any issues but I am getting this issue on build - Rollup failed to resolve import "framer-motion" from…
I have a Laravel 9 app. I am trying to get select2 to work however, when I do npm run build I get the error: RollupError: "default" is not exported by "node_modules/select2/dist/js/select2.js", imported by "resources/js/app.js". I installed select2 using the…
Project setup The project is laravel 10 setup with sail and thus using vite. Also bootstrap 5 and bootstrap icons is added through npm. What I want to achieve I am using blade components and I want each component to…
I'm using Vite with react, and I would like to show in the browser a imported function by ./Components/Navbar.jsx. To do this, I created the following script in App.jsx: import { Nav } from "./Componentes/Navbar"; function App() { return (…
I using Vite + React + Typescript, and use Vercel for deployment. In my localhost build or preview are working fine. 11:57:49.482 error TS2688: Cannot find type definition file for 'Phaser 11:57:49.482 The file is in the program because: 11:57:49.483…
I am aware there are many questions regarding this topic, but after extensive looking there was only one Firebase example and it didn't cover my scenario with using hosting. I have an app that I am currently testing in Firebase…