Mongodb – What is the best way to integrate Nodejs and Vuejs
I want to know the best practices involved in integrating nodejs and vuejs applications. I looking at various options and Iām not sure which is the best
I want to know the best practices involved in integrating nodejs and vuejs applications. I looking at various options and Iām not sure which is the best
So I'm new to Vite and I use it for my svelte app I really don't understand this part of documentation During production, these env variables are statically replaced. It is therefore necessary to always reference them using the full…
With the help from SO community I was finally able to dockerize my Sveltekit app and access it from the browser (this was an issue initially). So far so good, but now every time I perform a code change I…
When I run vite run dev --host in my Laravel project, I get below screen on my external network URL: My external URL is: ā Local: http://localhost:5173/ ā Network: Project runs fine on my app URL defined in…
I have the problem when i run npm run build , it says mix manifest not found. It happens when i run in production. My npm -v is 9.1.2 and running laravel 9, with "php": "^8.0.2". Have anyone ever got…
I tried to dockerize a basic VueJS app. I'm using Vite and I kept the basic files automatically generated when I wrote npm init vite@latest client in the terminal. When I run npm run dev I can see everything is…
I'm getting Firebase: Error (auth/unauthorized-domain) on localhost during google auth. I found that this error is caused when domain is not added to Authorized domains in Firebase. But when i checked Authorized domains there is localhost, and don't know who…
I have deployed my laravel project using hostinger. I've encounter a problem where there is Missing Vite Manifest File deploy at line @vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js']) How do i solve this? I saw answers recommending on stack npm run dev/npm install/ npm…
I'm trying to make a vue3 app run in a apache2 server, I did apache configuration of the site in sites-available and also did the symlink to sites-enabled. I don't have the ServerName ready bc I wanted to test it…
I'm building an app in Vue 3 with Vite as my bundler and dev server. I'm using Firebase as the backend. I've got the hosting emulator working locally, but it points to the /dist directory where the build output goes.…