Reactjs – Set header in graphql
I want to set auth in req header to specific value but after I tried different methods and check req from browser my key is not in the req header I am using Reactjs ,vite ,@apollo/client and running inside docker…
I want to set auth in req header to specific value but after I tried different methods and check req from browser my key is not in the req header I am using Reactjs ,vite ,@apollo/client and running inside docker…
I was starting my Vite React project. And as the next step I configured TailwindCSS as per Vite React documentation. Then I got this error message which targets the index.css file. The file only contained Tailwind CSS imports. How to…
I'm working on my first react App right now, which uses the Spotify API. But I ran into troubles with the Authentication Process. Mainly the Problem is that my custom Hook useAuth, responsible for getting an accessToken is not connecting…
In my game wiki made with React JSX, there is an error: SyntaxError: The requested module '/src/components/Menu.jsx?t=1724725277296' does not provide an export named 'Menu' but, the paths are correct (using CTRL-CLICK on vscode helps alot) And where it exports baseURL…
I'm having trouble learning Directus SDK - loosely following: When I try to access data, I'm getting: GET 403 (Forbidden) I can access this from Chrome directly, just not the SDK. The details of the error in the…
I was wondering if I could get some help on hosting a project I've been doing. The repository is here: My problem is hosting it on Github Pages. My project works locally with no problem but when I host…
When I was trying instal Tailwind on my vite react project with this command > npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer I see this report 3 moderate vulnerabilities: added 92 packages, and audited 308 packages in 9s 125 packages are…
Im looking to have my application running in a kubernetes cluster use the certificate mounted in a volume defined in my deployment.yaml file. I am not using ingress, instead I have my service set up as a LoadBalancer. I cannot…
I have three files: use-user-info.ts user-info.tsx user-info.test.tsx I want to test the behaviour of the component UserInfo (exported from user-info.tsx). On my test file I mock the hook like this: vi.mock("@/use-user-info"); describe(() => { beforeEach(() => { vi.mocked("@/use-user-info").mockReturnValue({ userId: 1,…
I have two servers running on my computer. Server 1 uses Vite, and Server 2 uses Express. Server 1 is where I go on my browser, and Server 2 is for scripts I can't run through Vite. The home page…