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Visual Studio Code – VSCode snippet to place selected text in the middle of fixed-length comment block

Using VSCode snippets, I would like to have the following behaviour. Say I select the word "foobarbaz", then (using a snippet) I would like it to turn into /******************************************************************************/ /* foobarbaz */ /******************************************************************************/ where the length of the comment block…


Visual Studio Code – Run 2 transforms on 1 snippet in VSCode

I want VSCode to generate my classname based on my filename: Filename: test-class-file.php should become: Test_Class_File I found the following examples: "${TM_FILENAME_BASE/[-]/_/g}" Becomes: test_class_file "${TM_FILENAME_BASE/(.*)/${1:/pascalcase}/}" Becomes: TestClassFile The official docs Do not mention chaining or anything like that. There also…

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