Mongodb – VUEJS. I can't get data from getter
Here is my problem. After the user is logged in, I throw the role information into the getter. But I can't get this info from my vue page. These are my codes. I was aiming to see the role information…
Here is my problem. After the user is logged in, I throw the role information into the getter. But I can't get this info from my vue page. These are my codes. I was aiming to see the role information…
I am using Laravel Inertia with Vue3. I used the package for the data tables. The problem is I passed the data from the controller to vue as props but it wont render correctly. I got empty cells but…
I have this function that will update the data as showing below: public function update(Request $request, OutstandingPayment $outstandingPayment) { $request->validate([ 'file' => 'required|mimes:jpg,jpeg,png,csv,txt,xlx,xls,pdf|max:2048', 'payment_voucher_file_ref_no' => 'required|string', 'payment_voucher_date' => 'required|string', ]); if ($request->hasFile('file')) { $file_name = time().'_'.$request->file->getClientOriginalName(); $file_path = $request->file('file')->move(public_path('uploads/outstandingPayment'), $file_name);…
Hi I am trying in src>index.js ` import {initializeApp} from 'firebase/app' ` I am learning from a video. When the man in the video wrote this code, he wrote that it is being calculated next to him in green, but…
I'm reading Laravel bootcamp and studding the tutorial, but I get some erro on showing the model with vuejs and v-for. My code: type ChirpModel = { id: number, message: string, created_at: string, user: { user_id: number, name: string }…
When I run vite run dev --host in my Laravel project, I get below screen on my external network URL: My external URL is: ➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/ ➜ Network: Project runs fine on my app URL defined in…
i am trying to update a data through axio as showing below: <b-form @submit.prevent="update" enctype="multipart/form-data"> . . . . <b-form-file v-model="invoice.file" placeholder="Choose a file or drop it here..." drop-placeholder="Drop file here..." v-on:change="onChange" /> Script: data() { return { invoice: {…
I want to let user to download some file from storage path. In this case will be some backups they have made. So i have a method can create backups and show on vue js table. And now i am…
I'm trying to create a user profile edit page where once you have logged in you are routed to this page and then the index returns your unique profile and not everyones profiles but I keep getting this error Uncaught…
I'm having a weird error. On a component I have, Ref is working correctly. On a component I've just created, id doesn't. I'm calling it the same way on both. import { Ref } from 'vue'; const isOpen = ref(false);…