How to go from Vue to Nuxt? – SEO
I have a quick question regarding Nuxtjs and vue js. Currently I have a project in vuejs but as the vue js does not provide ssr functionality and I have some pages in the project on which the SEO matter…
I have a quick question regarding Nuxtjs and vue js. Currently I have a project in vuejs but as the vue js does not provide ssr functionality and I have some pages in the project on which the SEO matter…
I dockerized a Vue app using nginx and the app is running well when started. The problem comes when I refresh the page, I am getting 404 error in an image attached. I tried to configure my nginx.conf file like…
I have a nuxt app deployed as the main website reverse proxied with nginx. The settings look as below location / { proxy_pass; } Now I have another vue app on same server that I want to run on…
I would like to change text and image when I click on a button, I had tried this but I get stuck and I don't know how to use it to change multiple elements, {% for variant in product.variants %}…
I just upload script (laravel + vue.js) to CPanel , and every thing works fine, but i need to make some changes in vue js components. my question is there any method to run npm commandes directly on cpanel? npm…
I am working on a small checkout stepper with Vue (v 2.x.x). The current item should have the class name "active" while all the previous ones have the class name "completed", as illustrated bellow: * { margin: 0; padding: 0;…
So I have a list of objects each rendered in a list. At the same time, each list element should redirect to a specific route on click: <template> <b-container> <h1 v-if="error">{{error}}</h1> <b-table sort-icon-left borderless outlined v-else-if="coins" @row-clicked="coinRowClickHandler" selectable small :items="coins"…
I've been working with vue-meta npm package for updating my meta tags. But I see an issue that the value which I put inside metaInfo() is not rendered correctly in google search description. metaInfo () { return { title: 'FAQ',…
I have the app deployed in one docker container: Frontend - VueJS (served by Nginx) Backend - Flask (gunicorn) Dockerfile: # Builder FROM node:10-alpine as builder WORKDIR /vue-ui COPY ./frontend/package*.json ./ RUN npm install COPY ./frontend . RUN npm run…
Just wondering what is the difference between import { getContent } from '@/assets/welcome-content.js' import Navigation from '@/components/Navigation' and import { getContent } from '~/assets/welcome-content.js' import Navigation from '~/components/Navigation' Both seems to work but when I add the lines below in…