Vue 3 :is component with tab icons – Html
I have made a tab overview and in order to not overload the api with calls, I put them in a loop like described in the documentation: link It all works but my tabs have icons and translations and I…
I have made a tab overview and in order to not overload the api with calls, I put them in a loop like described in the documentation: link It all works but my tabs have icons and translations and I…
I must create a generic toast component with a custom message and class. I managed to pass a message props without problems but I still can't do it with the bootstrap class. child: Toast.vue <script setup> const props = defineProps({…
I am using vue3 and c_cid is important for me to implement the function. here is what I have. <div class="client_card" type="button" v-for="c in all_clients" data-bs-toggle="modal" data-bs-target="#add_delievery_address" > <div class="modal-footer" style="background-color: #1267aa"> <button @click="createDelieveryAddress(`{{ c.c_cid }}`)"> Submit Delivery Address </button>…
I rewrote my whole app from vue2 in vite vue3 composition api.In development a localhost serves the frontend. The productionserver has its own https: See the NGINX: //nginx map $request_method $cors_method { // server { listen 80; listen [::]:80;…
I'm trying to create a Dialog component and use it into another component. When I click the button, the Dialog opens, but I don't know how to close it. These are the components: Dialog: <template> <Dialog header="###" :visible="displayModal" :breakpoints="{ '960px':…
I'm trying to implement a pagination with Laravel 9 and Vue 3. But it's my first time that I'm doing this, and I don't know what to do. First, I imported my library: import { Link } from '@inertiajs/inertia-vue3'; Second,…
I have a simple blade with a component inside: <section> <h1>Carousel</h1> <carousel :slides="@json($data->slides)"> </carousel> The component looks like this: <template> <fragment> <h1>My component</h1> {{ slides }} </fragment> </template> export default { props: [ 'slides' ], mounted() { console.log("mounted") } }…
I'm developing Laravel 9 and Vue.js 3 app (a simple social network) at the moment. I have a problem described in the title. The error itself: Here are the pieces of code that might help you. And this is the…
I'm new in VueJS and I get confused to change background image from Vue props value. I've created simple table from 'vue3-easy-data-table'. BaseTable.vue: <template> <EasyDataTable> ... </EasyDataTable> </template> <script setup lang="ts"> changeImg: { type: String, } }) </script> <style> .vue3-easy-data-table__message…
How can I get data from api when backend is secured by laravel sanctum? when I use useFetch I do not get any data. const {data: cat} = await useFetch('/api/categories') Laravel docs told to use axios but in nuxt3 axios…