Css – Shadow DOM Style Isolation
There seems to be an oddity in isolating Shadow DOM styles from the Main DOM styles, see the below. In essence if I am specific about the tagName then there is isolation, but if I use * as the CSS…
There seems to be an oddity in isolating Shadow DOM styles from the Main DOM styles, see the below. In essence if I am specific about the tagName then there is isolation, but if I use * as the CSS…
I'd like to create a custom element to render a select input. One parent creates <select> then a slot generates the <option> based on an array of choices. import {html, css, LitElement} from 'lit'; export class SimpleSelect extends LitElement {…
I have a quite large angular component exported as custom component, which I want to load as a demo into my docusaurus documentations It consists of several bundles and other resources all saved in node_modules/mycomponent/dist. The component has an url…
I've created a custom element and defined it in html as follows: ` <header> <custom-navbar links="[{title:'home'},{title:'About'}]" class="bg-purple"> <h1 slot="logo"> Amazon </h1> <navbar slot="link" class="navbar-wrapper"> <ul class="link-container"> </ul> </navbar> </custom-navbar> </header> ` An I've defined my custom element as follows: class…
I am fetching some data from my CMS and got stuck trying to initialize a component i get as a string. These are my components as a string array: [ '<Header text="title1" img="link/to/image1" />', '<Header text="title2" img="link/to/image2" />' ] I…
My understanding of web components was that you can use it to prevent css leaks from the web component to the parent. I need exactly that but for some reason styling inside the web component affects the whole document. My…
Is is possible to use ag-grid-community with LitElements? This is what I have tried, I am unable to initialize the ag-grid instance with the below code, Console Error - ag-grid-community.auto.esm.js:45056 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'observe' on 'MutationObserver': parameter 1…
I am using vanilla webcomponents and bundle with webpack. In my components css I import the global css sheet with the @import declaration e.g @import "../../style.css"; In style.css I have my variable defined e.g :root {--variable: rgba(236, 236, 233, 0.0);}…
I am using web components. I have the following html structure <div class="test"> #shadow-root (open) <overlay-trigger type="modal"> <div id = "login-dialog"> #shadow-root (open) <div id = "modal"> I have the following code const styleString = String(styles); const style = document.createElement("style");…
I have some JS that creates a web component and then proceeds to add it to a very basic HTML page class WordCount extends HTMLParagraphElement { constructor() { // Always call super first in constructor super(); // count words in…