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The class 'WebViewController' doesn't have an unnamed constructor – Flutter

I have a problem with my flutter app using the package webview_flutter , here Is my code: pubspec.yaml webview_flutter: ^4.0.6 dart WebViewController breachWebViewController = WebViewController() ..setJavaScriptMode(JavaScriptMode.unrestricted) ..setBackgroundColor(const Color(0x00000000)) ..setNavigationDelegate( NavigationDelegate( onProgress: (int progress) { // Update loading bar. }, onPageStarted:…


Reload a webview – Flutter

I'm trying to reload a WebView page when I click a button on the Appbar, using the webview_flutter package. For that I'm using a WebviewController, but I'm not getting it... When I click on the button, nothing happens. Check the…


Why Can't I Use WebView In Flutter Dart?

I installed webview_flutter. I ran pub get too. also, I added Import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart'. But actually I can't use WebView widget In flutter. This is my code. WebView occured not found error. import 'dart:io'; // Add this import. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import…

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