“How do I order in WordPress by order input value?”
When you create a post in Wordpress, there's a field called "order". How can i make it work to for example, i put 5 and the post goes to the 5th position when displayed on the page? I tried this…
When you create a post in Wordpress, there's a field called "order". How can i make it work to for example, i put 5 and the post goes to the 5th position when displayed on the page? I tried this…
I am working on updating a site. Everything was going peachy until I updated the PHP from 5.6 to 7.0+. Once I did that, I got the "Too many redirects" error ONLY on my Wordpress admin panel. The site itself…
I've always used this code in a must-use plugin to remove the whole color schemes section: remove_action( 'admin_color_scheme_picker', 'admin_color_scheme_picker' ); Unfortunately, with WordPress 6.0 this does not work anymore. I've found that Core's add_action( 'admin_color_... was recently moved from default-filters.php…
I have a few websites which use the following code to restrict the admin area. So far have not found a better solution than this. ##> COMMENT - WordPress Admin Area Passwords location ^~ /wp-admin/ { auth_basic "Restricted Access"; auth_basic_user_file…
I have added a custom column in Woocommerce admin side order listing page to display Ordered item Products name and total Quantity like this -> [http://prntscr.com/p11rdl] by using the following code: add_filter('manage_edit-shop_order_columns', 'misha_order_items_column' ); function misha_order_items_column( $order_columns ) { $order_columns['order_products']…