WordPress outputting same video url's
I'm trying to make a row layout where people can add an mp4 with ACF. So far so good, but when I try to add multiple video sections in the same post it outputs the same video in every player,…
I'm trying to make a row layout where people can add an mp4 with ACF. So far so good, but when I try to add multiple video sections in the same post it outputs the same video in every player,…
I'm using the polylang plugin. Additional css is required for the arabic language. How can I run css according to the subfolder in the functions? example: //This is your own css file <link rel="stylesheet" href="/yellow.css" type="text/css" media="screen,projection" /> //this is…
To begin with, my problem: I have a WooCommerce error on the W3C Validator platform. I overwrite the file by redirecting the template path of WooCommerce for that specific file. Problem: The Wordpress Theme that I am currently using is…
I want to remove jquery.min.js. because I don't need it. For this, it is necessary not to use "wp_deregister_script". I also added the theme's js file manually. <script type='text/javascript' src='http://site/wp-content/themes/mytema/js/scripts.js'></script> but the js file of the theme does not work…
I'm editing single post (single.php) in Wordpress in order to rearrange where I want to show blog title, author, date and featured image. So far I've managed to pull date and title and featured image, but not author. Can somebody…
I have below a shortcode on my page. [singletextutm url="/about-us/" name="Know more" class="no-bg-button" ] I am using the below code in the function.php and it's working function singletextutmlink($atts, $content='') { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'url' => '', 'name' => '',…
Basically I want to develop a wordpress block theme.For easy to customize I want to add some custom block in my theme.But I don't want to create a plugin for this.Custom block will be inside my theme.When someone install my…
I have a basic bunch of CSS/Js files defined in my functions.php file. There I register and enqueue those scripts and stylesheets. But in specific situations I want to load additional scripts based on the site template which is used.…
I have purchased the Disputo theme that doesn't display any sidebars. I want to keep my theme but display the sidebar on the home page. Is there a way to do this?
I needed to override one of the theme TwentyTwentyTwo template from a custom plugin, and I wanted to use one of Gutenberg's blocks. I see that in the templates files blocks are used by just writing the corresponding html comment.…