“Can I run a WordPress script only once?”
Below is my JavaScript function, it needs to run only once. It means that when the user visits the website for the first time the code must be run. When the page reloads it doesn't need to run. I am…
Below is my JavaScript function, it needs to run only once. It means that when the user visits the website for the first time the code must be run. When the page reloads it doesn't need to run. I am…
Is there any more elegant way to write an IF with multiple OR conditions? Currently, my code is like below, but it doesn't look interesting like that. if ( has_block( 'cgb/block-imoney-blocks' ) || has_block( 'cgb/block-idh-affiliates' ) || has_block( 'cgb/block-idh-best-summary') ||…
I have this probably easy problem: I'm trying to use bncert-tool on my aws wordpress website machine. I transferred my domain from elsewhere to aws, made an hosted zone, also the static ip address. nslookup works, writing the right ip.…
I'm racking my brain trying to think why this isn't working. Seems to be right to me but I must be missing something. <?php if( have_rows('cta_box') ): while( have_rows('cta_box') ) : the_row(); echo get_sub_field('cta_header'); echo get_sub_field('cta_content'); endwhile; endif; ?> Am…
I am displaying my custom posts 3 per page order by published date DESC. There are 8 posts and all I want is on page 1, it should display post 8 & 7, rather than 8,7,6. So the pagination should…
I don't have internet on my PC. And I have WordPress downloaded. So,can I install WordPress offline? And if I install WordPress on another computer and took it to my machine, will it work?
Is it possible to create a firestore document with the user ID and new order status as the fields when an order status is changed in woocommerce ? i would like to use this setup to trigger push notifications in…
I've been all over the internet since yesterday before asking. I've just installed wordpress locally using XAMPP. while trying to install anything it gives me the FTP error where I need to insert them. I've tried define('FS_METHOD','direct'); then it doesn't…
I have a wordpress website on hostinger and im trying use version control Git on it without downloading the files locally but i have no idea what to do or where to start ! my goal would be pushing to…
My index.php page has a display of listings from a json file which looks good. But I am trying to send a result of a single listing from that page to another page (result.php). How do I display the results…