WordPress wp URL changed and cannot be fixed
I really need help, my stupid brain told me to change the website URL to my name (and WordPress is installed in local on my pc) but now wamp doesn't find it because the URL is NOAH instead of my…
I really need help, my stupid brain told me to change the website URL to my name (and WordPress is installed in local on my pc) but now wamp doesn't find it because the URL is NOAH instead of my…
I am facing a problem. I am new at CSS. I pasted the code below. There are 2 options: I want to select the Join Class. this is a WordPress website. I want to style the join Course text. but…
I have had trouble with my website for several weeks now. Here is a hack that I have never experienced before. The Problem The indexing of my site on google and how google renders it when I try to create…
I have a gravity form where there is a product. I have one type of payment method which is PayPal and would like to have a second one where the user either pays instore or is sent an invoice. I…
So I'm building a website for my new business. An I want to only run the following code if the post have a category of 'certain-category'. How do I do this? I tried a number of things. but they do…
I'm creating an Ajax filter on a category page and am wanting to filter the posts by post_tag AND the current category. The issue I am having is get_queried_object isn't outputting any value when the filter is submitted. It works…
I want to add an extra class to my WooCommerce notice. Here's my current code for printing the notice: wc_print_notice( 'My message', 'success' ); I saw in the WooCommerce Docs, that there is an option to add extra $data to…
Trying to regenerate thumbnails in wordpress but get an error saying the original file is not found, the file is definitely on the server in the location it should be. I've checked the metadata and everything looks ok there as…
I wrote this function that allows the user to view the date of the last login (not the current login). Now I would also like to show the location and device with which the login was made. I tried to…
I am under WordPress with the WooCommerce plugin, my problem is that I would like to reverse the list of products and the description, many solutions exist but each time I have the description on TOP AND BOTTOM, while I…