Woocommerce how to make the category linkable
I have an issue where I want to show my item category for a store item AND make it clickable. As I'm a total novice in php (basically illiterate) and have no acquaintances who could help me with it, I…
I have an issue where I want to show my item category for a store item AND make it clickable. As I'm a total novice in php (basically illiterate) and have no acquaintances who could help me with it, I…
My desired sequence would be: User Checkout > Check login > Proceed to checkout if logged in. Redirect to login/register page if not logged in > proceed to the checkout page. I have added below code in my active theme's…
I have a LEMP server on a ubuntu machine, on which I have installed wordpress.org. After that, I port forwarded from the router to my public ip adress with TCP port as 80. So when I type in my…
Is it possible to get the Subscription id from the Woocommerce order id with the API of WooCommerce? I'm using PHP and with this I can get all the order data, but not subscription id: $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, […
After trying several methods, I had to ask here. So recently I was working on a site of my own which was developing on my desktop locally (using xampp), but now I want to work on the same website (locally)…
I'm using the following snippet to limit the number of products in search results on my website from 10 to only 8. However, I noticed that it's also limiting the number of products shown via WP Admin Dashboard > Products…
Before the update of woocommerce: $args = array( 'type' => 'radio', 'class' => array( 'form-row-wide', 'update_totals_on_change' ), 'options' => array( '0' => 'Niet vandaag, misschien later (totally oké) <br />', '2' => 'Drinkt iets van mij (€2) <br />', '3'…
I would like to show some content after the fifth product of a product category. Based on Add content in between product rows in WooCommerce archives answers code, I am using this slight modified version code: add_action( 'woocommerce_shop_loop', 'action_woocommerce_shop_loop', 100…
When I try to checkout the purchase it keeps loading all the day. I've checked the console but there is no error. I don't know what's causing this. here is the website link. I'm new to woocommerce. Kindly help to…
My wordpress site has a footer hyperlink of the developer, I want to change it, but I am unable to, I have tried through appearance, then with the elementor footer but that remains unchanged. Could anybody please guide? The website…