Elementor – Elementor Pro – Custom Query
I need some help. I am trying to create a custom query for my Custom Posts I created in Wordpress, and using Elementor Pro. On my post, I added a custom field 'sorting' with a numeric value, which I would…
I need some help. I am trying to create a custom query for my Custom Posts I created in Wordpress, and using Elementor Pro. On my post, I added a custom field 'sorting' with a numeric value, which I would…
I want to increase my page speed by deregistering unnecessary external resources. I already managed to remove most of the external scripts, Elementor loads by default on the frontend. However, I can't remove the jQuery plugin Sticky somehow. I guess…
I have a problem with WooCommerce billing phone validation. I installed YITH checkout manager for edit checkout fields and delete a phone number field, but when I try going to the next step I see the error for phone validation!…
I need to hide the status wc-completed within the dropdown on the WooCommerce admin orders page. Using CSS is not a good option here but I've found no other way. The only thing would be to use the wc_order_statuses to…
I have a Woocommerce site that I want to detect if a user changes any of their billing details. I've had a look around and found this snippet: add_filter( 'insert_user_meta', function( $meta, $user, $update ) { if( true !== $update…
I'm developing a website in wordpress using Woocommerce and WC Vendor Marketplace plugin. I want to show content on certain page user role wise in wordpress website. For example. If i'm login as a vendor then it shows content "A"…
I have fixed all things in Woocommerce plugin as per my requirements, but i am unable to find one solution. Woocommerce default shop page products loop code is like this <ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> I want it…
I want to add a second open graph image (a square one) to my Wordpress site for use by WhatsApp. WhatsApp selects the last image and crops it to a 1 by 1.3 portrait aspect ratio and then displays it…
I include woocommerce/template in my theme with this name : 'woocommerce' and also use add_theme_support() in my functions.php to introduce it . but when user add a product to cart and wants to see the cart , user redirect to…
I use xampp to develope my Wordpress sites, 3 months ago I set up a project and accessed localhost/phpmyadmin with no issues and have been working on the project since. However yesterday I tried to set up a new project…