Can Contact Form 7 in WordPress add BCC/CC to emails?
How do I add a CC/BCC to a WordPress using Contact Form 7 using the Contact Form 7 hook? add_action( 'wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'dynamic_addcc' );
How do I add a CC/BCC to a WordPress using Contact Form 7 using the Contact Form 7 hook? add_action( 'wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'dynamic_addcc' );
I tried to submit the app on shopify for approval. But everytime they give me below message Your primary app listing has 2 issues to fix before you can submit your app for review App must set security headers to…
I am using WordPress, My website was working perfectly until I changed the file permission. admin-ajax.php is showing 403 forbidden error and the rest of the file is working. due to a 403 error, My website is completely down and…
I like to give a discount on some Local Pickup shipping methods. With the code below I get a discount on all shipping methods (including also Flat Rate and Free Shipping). But I would like this discount to be applied…
Hello Everyone i have an issue, i'm working on website with two different languages. main language is arabic and secondary is English, i have prepared everything and it's fine but when i change from arabic to english a lot of…
WordPress post titles are usually in the h1 tag by default. How to write the post title inside the h2 tag? WordPress Post Title I go through all the themes files but can not get any solution. When I Inspect…
My LocalWP staging website keeps redirecting me to the live web + cant even log into the wp admin. This is a custom wordpress website. I’m using LocalWP, made a copy of the website using duplicator. How could I fix…
Hi I am adding a little woo hook in a child theme, to echo a free shipping banner, having problem with the path to image, which is next to the functions.php file in the theme root. function denzilla_add_below_prod_meta() { echo…
I am sorry if this question has been asked a thousand times but I am not a coder more a designer. I am developing a one page site for my business with a hamburger menu that opens to cover the…
I want to add a custom click event to the remove button in the mini cart function ajax_call(){ $.ajax({ url: ajax_url, type: 'post', data: {action : 'remove_from_cart','cart_item_key' : 10}, beforeSend: function(res){ console.log('loading'); }, success: function(res){ $('.widget_shopping_cart_content ').replaceWith(res); // once this…