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xcode 15, c++ compilation errors

I just installed xcode 15 (because git wouldn't work without doing so). I didn't note what version I had before. Now I can't compile some c++ code, which was compiling perfectly well before. when I try to make, the following…


Could not get the simulator list from Xcode. Please open Xcode and try running project directly from there to resolve the remaining issues – React native

i updated os 12.3 to 13.1, xcode 13.1 to 14.1 and installed commandline tools, react native app running through xcode but not running with command line, getting below error 2022-12-13 16:36:47.584 xcodebuild[3616:20381] Writing error result bundle to /var/folders/zn/6l6295m57kb3vn_8pyn8xtbr0000gn/T/ResultBundle_2022-13-12_16-36-0047.xcresult xcodebuild: error:…

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