Xcode – Carplay Resume Music
I am creating a CarPlay music app, everything works fine except when I get a call in between my music is playing. Carplay pauses music in between but when I end phone call its not resuming back. Please help if…
I am creating a CarPlay music app, everything works fine except when I get a call in between my music is playing. Carplay pauses music in between but when I end phone call its not resuming back. Please help if…
I am thinking of implementing a UISegmentControl extension to achieve the twitter's iOS notification tab bar, navigation bar segment style. I tried extending the class like in this post. I want to be able to control the size of the…
I realize that this might be difficult to achieve, but I would like to be able to initialize ViewControllers from storyboard using init(coder: NSCoder) function directly. I mean not using storyboard.instantiateViewController(identifier: coder: ) - I know I could use this,…
Here is what I'm seeing in errors when trying to build: It's saying I need to select a team in Signing & Capabilities. But I've already done that multiple times as you can see in this shot: Why is it…
I tried to download manually the iOS Simulator 15.0 but I don't know where should I put the .dmg file or iPhoneSimulatorSDK15_0.pkg file, Does anyone have any idea where should I put the package in xcode folder? I tried download…
whilst working on an existing XCode project, the simulator began consistently crashing. The preview window will not show the current file, with a red banner and the below error: MessageSendFailure: Message send failure for update ================================== | MessageError: Connection interrupted…
I have recently created an Apple Push Service certificate on my M1 mac mini. In the Keychain, it says the certificate is not trusted. I have installed the Developer Relations Intermediate Certificate as mentioned in here Also installed the following…
can someone help me pls ? I trying to start my app buy i have error in AppDelegate. So in my AppDelegate I created navigationController and xcode wants that i use init from TableVC but i cant. How to fix…
I was trying to generate the ipa file to upload it on App Store but unfortunately it failed and says "Encountered error while archiving for device". I also tried Archiving from Xcode but, the Archive failed there too. It is…
I followed nearly every tutorial and stack overflow questions and still couldn't get my fonts to work. I downloaded Montserrat font from Google fonts I added the folder to my project with Copy items checked and targets checked I added…