Xcode – Creating an array from stuct data SwiftUI
First of all, i am very sorry for the noob question, but i just cant seem to figure this out. I am very new to coding and just started to get my feet wet with SwiftUI, following a few courses…
First of all, i am very sorry for the noob question, but i just cant seem to figure this out. I am very new to coding and just started to get my feet wet with SwiftUI, following a few courses…
An app which was running successfully on iOS 9-15 now crashes on launch on iOS 9-12 when building with Xcode 13.1 (on M1 Pro) that I just upgraded to. It crashes on unarchive of the main storyboard due to use…
I am trying to get the icons in the tab bar to be brought down more into the middle of the bar. I have tried setting the image insets in the story board as well as through code and none…
When building a React Native 0.66 project today (used to be working), there is error complaining about library not found for a module which is located at my-proj/node_modules/aliyun-oss-react-native/. After react-native link alien-oss-react-native and pod install, the error remains. Some post…
As recommended by Apple, I've downloaded and installed the Xcode 13.2 RC to replace the one from the App Store and I still have problems. My package that compiles on Xcode 13.1 fails to compile with multiple errors on 13.2.…
I have recently updated to Xcode 13.2 from the Mac App Store. While trying to fix an issue with a Swift package, I uninstalled it and now I cannot reinstall the package. When I try to add a package from…
After updating Xcode to version 13.2 i can't build my project anymore. I have a strange error "Internal error: missingPackageDescriptionModule" related to my Workspace file. It's definitely related to SPM because Xcode is not loading SPM packages also. I tried…
I have errors with Xcode cloud testing while archiving. Issues are all related to CocoaPods dependencies: unable to open file (in target "Alamofire" in project "Pods") missing module map file: '/Volumes/workspace/repository/Pods/Target Support Files/Alamofire/Alamofire.modulemap Looks like pods are not being installed…
I'm trying to download and install older simulators like iOS 12.4, after it has downloaded it gets stuck on installing. I have a MacBook Pro 14" (Apple M1 Pro chip) using Xcode 13.1 on macOS Monterey 12.0.1 I've tried running…
Can I download and run a 12.4 Xcode version if I have been installed already with an Xcode 13 version. if yes, what's the safest way to do so?