DevOps XCode@5 does not create .ipa file
I have a Capacitor app that I am trying to build through DevOps with the xcode@5 task. However, I am not getting an .ipa to be generated on completion of the task. What am I missing? Is there another task…
I have a Capacitor app that I am trying to build through DevOps with the xcode@5 task. However, I am not getting an .ipa to be generated on completion of the task. What am I missing? Is there another task…
I used to use the following script build phase to set buildkonfig.flavor property on kotlin version 1.19.20 and it worked fine: cd "$SRCROOT/.." && ./gradlew :shared:embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode -P buildkonfig.flavor=prod But since updating to kotlin to version 2.0.0, it does not compile…
I am trying to load multiple Mixamo 3d animations on one USDZ model. All the exported animations are USDZ animation files and the main USDZ model file have the same exact rig. All animations were exported at the same time…
I have tried multiple different methods to try and make a method that stops my button from being ticked multiple times at once. In the "selectButton" action, I'm looking for a method that assigns the "checkLabel" UILabel with a checkmark,…
I've been working on a hard-coded language switcher for my app, where I have a xib file, where when I tap on a cell, it changes the language of the app, however I have a label that has the text…
I'm having trouble adding AQPlayer as a package dependency in my app in XCODE. Here's the error that I get when I add it as a package.
I have an IOS app build using Flutter and I am trying to upload to app store. While uploading to the TestFlight I am not getting any error and it showing like uploaded. But it not showing in the app…
I'm trying to pod install for my project but it does not work it gives this error: I updated my Xcode to 15, macOS to 14. There was no problem in previous versions. Flutter Version: 3.19. [!] CocoaPods could not…
We have a server with mac and Xcode which generates apps for IOS signing them with release provisioning profile and sign identities. It does by command line It worked perfectly until we upgraded from Xcode 14 to Xcode 15.2 This…
So I am new to mac. I installed Flutter, Android Studio, XCode, CocoaPods (with sudo gem install cocoapods) and every other required packages. The app ran successfully on Android but I get this error while trying to run on iOS:…