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Xcode – Google Admob Sdk 6.0.0 "not found for architecture arm64" error

Xcode Error: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_GADURequestInterstitial", referenced from: _Externs_GADURequestInterstitial_m77D58C1021B0E1A9320F3326857B18C58380315E in GoogleMobileAds.iOS.o (maybe you meant: _Externs_GADURequestInterstitial_m77D58C1021B0E1A9320F3326857B18C58380315E) ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 Podfile: source '' source '' platform :ios, '11.0' target 'UnityFramework' do pod 'Firebase/Analytics', '7.11.0' pod 'Firebase/Core',…


Xcode – How to fix issue of cycle in dependencies between targets 'BVLinearGrandient' and 'FBReactNativeSpec'?

Getting error in react-native project as ahead. Cycle in dependencies between targets 'BVLinearGradient' and 'FBReactNativeSpec'; building could produce unreliable results. Cycle path: BVLinearGradient → React → React-RCTAnimation → FBReactNativeSpec → BVLinearGradient Cycle details: → Target 'BVLinearGradient' has link command with…


I can't build my flutter app in Xcode 12.5 (Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64)

I can build my app by flutter run, but I can't in Xcode for Archive. Do anyone know how to fix this? Error Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_pb_encode", referenced from: _nano_two_pass_encoding in GoogleAppMeasurement(encoder_common.o) "_pb_encode_tag_for_field", referenced from: _apmpb_encode_repeated_app_property in GoogleAppMeasurement(apmpb_app_property_encoder.o)…

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