Xcode – Type has no member 'Subscript'
I am currently learning programming in Swift from a course I bought on Udemy. One of the things I am doing now is to build a quiz app. As a final challenge on the quiz app, I am converting the…
I am currently learning programming in Swift from a course I bought on Udemy. One of the things I am doing now is to build a quiz app. As a final challenge on the quiz app, I am converting the…
I'm making a simple text-to-speech app with the flutter TTS plugin, and running it on my physical iPhone and iPad for debugging. I tried googling it, and the github repository for flutter said that I should run flutter analyze and…
Today I was looking to make an archive in Xcode 12 and suddenly I can no longer see the Archives in Window -> Organizer (it will not open automatically as supposed). It will show me the alert with Build Succeeded…
UIPageViewController manual pagination not working properly. Automatic pagination working fine, but when we rotate manually it's not working properly. My ViewController.Swift code import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var contentView: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var pageControl: UIPageControl! let myDataSource…
I am new to this escape function in Swift, but I follow a tutorial and I use the following function below: (the function is working for me) static func showThreeOptions(messageText: String, titleOne:String, titleTwo: String, actionOne: @escaping () -> (Void), actionTwo:…
Before updating my PC's Visual Studio 2019 (v16.8) I was able to build Xamarin apps and connect to my Mac without issue. After updating to Visual Studio 2019 (v16.9), VS went through the normal process of wanting to update the…
I recently bought a new M1 Macbook specifically for IOS development. Upon setting up my workspace with cocoapods and xcode I found that I am not able to test my app in the simulator. I've seen some solutions already where…
I'm new to flutter/iOS. I'm using: Flutter 1.22.6 • channel stable • https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git Framework • revision 9b2d32b605 • 2021-01-22 14:36:39 -0800 Engine • revision 2f0af37152 Tools • Dart 2.10.5 and Xcode 11.0 Im trying to release a flutter app in…
My project contains a Swift Package that contains a binary target. Generally, the project compiles and works properly, but the problem occurs when I try to archive the project, where I get a complier error saying No such module 'MyFramework'.…
I have a game created in Unity which Apple does not accept because of the following: It seems that the problem is in Google Mobile ADS We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, "My…