Xcode 12 won't let me use lower iOS versions
I recently got the M1 MacBook and it automatically updates you to Xcode 12 and I can't use any simulators below iOS 14.Is there a way around this? Note: Yes I have downloaded the older simulators
I recently got the M1 MacBook and it automatically updates you to Xcode 12 and I can't use any simulators below iOS 14.Is there a way around this? Note: Yes I have downloaded the older simulators
I tried to build and distribute couple of Adhoc distribution build with bit code and without bitcode .. and generated build on both Diawi and installonair anyway the link installed on 2 devices without any problems. 1. iphone x -…
I was working on a Flutter app and suddenly got the following error when I run pod install. I need to mention that I searched a lot and tried too many ways but unfortunately nobody had the exact undefined method…
I want to show an image on whole screen and background should be transparent but image should not be transparent. Please help me with this.
I read the documentation, but I just can't figure out what exactly is needed in my simple case. The element is constantly jumping. I need just that. I would be grateful for articles and so on. For a deeper understanding…
I am making a diary app with Realm Swift and FSCalendar. When I press the button to add to Realm, the app crashes and the title message is displayed. Realm Swift is update 10.2.0. I am testing it on an…
How can I make a text editor with some style in SwiftUI? It seems that there a text editor can not be as customizable as the text field. How could I achieve a result like this (here the users text…
I'm running Xcode 12.2 (12B45b) on my M1 MacBook Pro. Whenever I try to run the simulator on an older iOS, for example: It doesn't work. Xcode pops up this error: When I press on Details, a screen pops up…
I just got back into iOS / WatchKit development after a ~8 year break. I'm having a really hard time making an app for the watch, because Simulator is not helping because random things seem unsupported (most recent example being…
I recently installed Code::Blocks (version 17.12) on my MacBook Pro 2020 which runs on macOS Big Sur, but something is not working and I can't figure out why. I also installed Python Launcher and IDLE and Xcode and XQuartz. Maybe…