Xcode Account Authentication Failure
There is a problem when I'm trying to sign in to my Apple ID account. Re-signing in doesn't help. Xcode 14.0
There is a problem when I'm trying to sign in to my Apple ID account. Re-signing in doesn't help. Xcode 14.0
Before iOS 16 presenting a single screen in landscape is fine for portrait application. The working code is as below. Remark: Whole application is in Portrait mode only. override public var shouldAutorotate: Bool { return false } override public var…
I upgraded Xcode to 14.0 and my test device iOS to 16.0 then I start to get message below in console for one of my SwiftUI project. It looks like following code making it. Every time this part called we…
Xcode version -> 14.0 Error: The app references non-public selectors in Payload/Runner.app/Runner: fontWeight relativeSize, spanArray, spanArray_Count, strikeThrough, underline
How to set the location for the captured photo by using UIImagePickerController? I have an app that has the option to take a photo or grab one from the phones gallery. If I selsct one from the gallery I can…
My iPhoneXR updated to 15.7, and XCode updated to 14. Which happened right as MacOS was updating, so I'm wondering if something got wonked with the XCode update. Now I can't program my phone. Looking in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/ there is no…
Context I am working on a feature, that allows users to add Components to CoreData. Those Components are obviously NSManagedObjects inserted and saved into a Context. In addition, I also want to give the user a variety of predefined Components.…
Everything was working fine till updating Xcode to version 14. But after updating Xcode to latest version 14, simulators are not available in visual studio. Also, app is not getting installed on physical devices. Just getting a success message as…
I was using Big Sur with Python 3.8.2 (not Homebrew's, but native OS' Python) and I had a lot of packages installed (around 60). Now I updated my OS to Monterey 12.6 and I updated Xcode to 14.0 which updated…
Updated my xcode to 14.0. After upgrading the xcode, My Flutter project throwing the below error. select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor Target > Signing & Capabilities > Team also already selected Could not build the…