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Xcode Cloud Build – Unable to load contents of file

I can't get Xcode Cloud past these "Unable to load contents of file list: '/Target Support Files/Pods-MyApp/Pods-MyApp-frameworks-Release-output-files.xcfilelist'" errors. I've tried: pod deintegrate/install cleaning and restarting Xcode (14.3) verified that the xcfilelist paths exist on my machine removed input files from…


Xcode – Will not do cross-module incremental builds

Since using Xcode 14.3 I get the following warnings while building a project as usual: Will not do cross-module incremental builds, priors saved at TimePoint(seconds: 1682802841, nanoseconds: 0)), but the previous build started at TimePoint(seconds: 1682802841, nanoseconds: 665285000), at '/Volumes/DerivedData-ramdisk/PlayingAround3-bxofrzjmlkadwicxzlwhcctqhimt/Build/Intermediates.noindex/'…


Not able to built WebDriverAgent in iOS mobile devices in Xcode version 14.3

Not able to built WebDriverAgent in iOS mobile devices in Xcode version 14.3. Getting error as "Cannot link directly with dylib/framework, your binary is not an allowed client of /Applications/ for architecture arm64" Xcode Version : 14.3 MacOS Version :…

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