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Magento 2 : Add custom script just after head tag

i want to add custom script just after the start of head tag. like. <head> <script>console.log("I'm loaded!");</script> i tried to add code in default_head_blocks.xml <referenceContainer name="head.additional"> <block class="CustomModuleBlockSuccess" template="Custom_Module::success/head.phtml"/> </referenceContainer> => output : <script>console.log("I'm loaded!");</script> </head> this code are using…


Need parser in Java from XML(SOAP) to JSON – Magento

i'm looking for a parser or SOAP client in Java to convert XML(WSDL) from Magento SOAP v1 API to JSON Object. Magento SOAP v1 API returns a XML which looks like this: <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="urn:Magento" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">…

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