I have a active admin filter "Tags" that contain all tags of users. Tags are loading in a collection.
The problem is what if we have thousands of tags? The page will take a lot of time to load all of them and them filter through them.
I wanted to make it dynamic through an AJAX call but I cannot find any resource related to this.
This is active admin filter
"filter :tags , label: 'Tags' , as: :select, collection: proc{ ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.order(id: :asc).uniq.pluck(:name, :id)}"
The question is a bit unclear, but from what I understood you want help on deciding whether you should load something dynamically or not.
I personally think that loading it through Ajax would be a good idea as this will save loading time. To do this you can just use jQuery Ajax as per below.
Source: jQuery Ajax
I hope this helps! 👍
This is a popular problem. Therefore, there is a popular solution.
gem activeadmin_addons (search-select-filter)