From the latest version of Chrome Version 83.0.4103.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Jquery $.AjaxFileUpload is not working, Please help me if anyone has idea,
This AJAX call is working fine in Older version of chrome and other browsers like firefox etc..
Only issue with the latest version of chrome
Here is the Code:
JSP Code is like
<input type="file" id="fileform-a04d99a8-3cc0-49af-868d-48bdfd26f448" name="files" class="add-attachment-input" style="position: absolute; top: -100000px;" multiple="" >
$("#fileform-" + code).AjaxFileUpload({
action: "/claims/post/attachment/",
onSubmit: function(element, filename) {
return {jobcode: code};
onComplete: function(filename, response) {, $thisitem, filename, response);
@RequestMapping(value = "/post/attachment/", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "text/html")
public String addAttachments(@RequestParam("files")
final List<MultipartFile> files, @RequestParam("jobcode") String jobcode)
jobcode = XSSFilterUtil.filter(jobcode);
final Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
for (final MultipartFile file : files)
result.put(file.getOriginalFilename(), claimsFacade.addAttachmentToClaim(file, jobcode));
return jsonFacade.mapToJsonString(result);
Changed src="about:blank" to src="javascript:false;" in jquery.ajaxfileupload.js, solved my issue
There is another jQuery plugin that relied on creating an iframe with
and it seems like chrome 83 doesn’t like it anymore ( It looks like (as per the jsFiddle posted there) chrome 83 block the call when using that src attribute value (I have verified it myself withChrome 83.0.4103.61-1
) but dones’t block it if the src attribute value isabout:blank
.As per the source for the plugin you are using, it creates an iframe with the aforementioned src attribute value (, and thus the issue. Changing that line into this should solve the issue:
Although the plugin hasn’t changed much in the last few years (last commit was about 2 years ago), you can do a Pull Request with this change.
FYI jquery upload was broken by the 19-02-2020 Chrome browser update 83.0.4103.61.
Fixed in release from 03-06-2020 (83.0.4103.97)… phew.