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As I mentioned in title I’m trying to send an array of view models back to a controller through an Ajax request.

I’ll use some dummy values and names:


int VM_id1;
int VM_id2;
string VM_str1;
string VM_str2;


// here I get 0 and null values
public ActionResult MyPostController(List<MyViewModel> vm) { ... }

View with ajax

In my view I have a form with fields from above, and a preview window where every time I submit form, those values are added there(not posting to controller yet). Then, when I’m ok with the list of added values I have another submit button that sends the array of view models to controller.

var vmData = new Array();
vmData.push($("form").serializeArray());//not the exact code but the idea is that I'm pushing serialized data from form
// the ajax request
   type:"POST" ,
   url: "someURL"
   dataType: "json"   ,
   contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
   data: JSON.stringify(vmData)
   //data: {vm: JSON.stringify(vmData)}//this generates an error

vmData in Chrome console looks like this (example for 2 array values):

(2)[Array(4), Array(4)]
    0 : Array(4)
       0:{name: "VM_id1" ,value: "123"}
       1:{name: "VM_id2" ,value: "99"}
       2:{name: "VM_str1" ,value: "string1"}
       3:{name: "VM_str2" ,value: "string2"}
    1 : Array(4)
       0:{name: "VM_id1" ,value: "1"}
       1:{name: "VM_id2" ,value: "55"}
       2:{name: "VM_str1" ,value: "someval1"}
       3:{name: "VM_str2" ,value: "someval1"}

vmData stringified:

  0: [{name: "VM_id1" ,value: "123"}, 1:{name: "VM_id2" ,value: "99"},{name: "VM_str1" ,value: "string1"} ,{name: "VM_str2" ,value: "string2"}]

Problem: when data is posted in controller I get 2 list items with null values for all fields. What am I doing wrong?

Another thing, if I manage to solve this, is that I want to pass __RequestVerificationToken also, but that’s another problem.

Thank you for your time!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    So, main problem was that server expected other format of data -> so a flattening of the serializeArray() output was required.

    var formData = $("form").serializeArray();
    // flattening
    var toSend = {};
    formData .forEach(function(x){ toSend[] = x.value; })
    // get __RequestVerificationToken value
    headers["__RequestVerificationToken"] = formData.reverse(0.pop().value;
    // pushing to array of viewModels

    So this:

           0:{name: "VM_id1" ,value: "123"}
           1:{name: "VM_id2" ,value: "99"}
           2:{name: "VM_str1" ,value: "string1"}
           3:{name: "VM_str2" ,value: "string2"}

    Gets flattened to this(which is what server expected):

      VM_id1 : "123",
      VM_id2 : "99",
      VM_str1 : "string1",
      VM_str2 : "string2"

    Also I needed to send __RequestVerificationToken to controller as well -> solved with this approach.

    Finally my ajax looks like this:

           type:"POST" ,
           url: "someURL"
           dataType: "json"   ,
           contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
           headers: headers,
           data: JSON.stringify(vmData)

    And my controller action

    public ActionResult MyPostController(IEnumerable<MyViewModel> vmData) { ... }

  2. I do what you are doing, but a slightly different way. So I create a class wrapper like so:

    public class HomeIndexModel
      public List<MyViewModel> Items { get; set; }

    In the form I’ll have:

    <form id="x" ..>
       @for (var i = 0; i < Model.Items.Count; i++)
          @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Items[i].Name)

    And I’ll do the following to send it back to the server:

       type: "post",
       url: "..",
       data: $("#x").serialize()

    And that can be received by this action:

    public ActionResult Index(HomeIndexModel model)
       var items = model.Items.Where(i => i.IsSelected == true);

    Your way could work here too; I find having the top-level wrapper has some benefits (it makes it easier to pass along additional data). To include a serialization token, a serialization token is essentially a form element that gets rendered, and as such, it should be included in the form serialization and sent back to the server.

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