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I have table in SQL Server as below :

| reportName   | ShareWith                                    |   
| IBM SH  data | [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]  |  
| Samsung Sr   | [email protected],[email protected]               |
| Xiaomi MFG   |                                              |
| Apple US st  | [email protected],[email protected]               |
| LG EU        | [email protected]                               |

In my php file, I have an input text and a button. When a user type a report name and click on the button tt will perform an ajax call to remove the current user email from the selected report.

In SQL it should be as below :

select shareWith, UpdatedshareWith = 
    when shareWith like '[email protected],%'   then REPLACE(shareWith, '[email protected],', '')
    when shareWith like '%,[email protected],%' then REPLACE(shareWith, ',[email protected],', ',')
    when shareWith like '%,[email protected]'   then REPLACE(shareWith, ',[email protected]', '')
    when shareWith = '[email protected]' then ''
    else shareWith
from  table
where reportName = 'xxxx';

I’m trying to apply it dynamically in PHP but couldn’t make it work.

$('#button').on('click', function(){
  var reportName = x;
  var username = y;

    type: "POST",
    url: "delete.php",
    data: { reportName : reportName,
    username : username },
    success: function(data) { console.log(data); }


and delete.php as below :

$stmt = $conn->prepare("UPDATE table SET shareWith = CASE 
   WHEN shareWith like '?,%' THEN REPLACE(shareWith, '?,', '')
   WHEN shareWith like '%,?,%' THEN REPLACE(shareWith, ',?,', ',')
   WHEN shareWith like '%,?' THEN REPLACE(shareWith, ',?', '')
   ELSE shareWith
   WHERE reportName = ?");

$stmt->execute([$_POST['username'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['username'],
$_POST['username'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['username'], $_POST['reportName']]);

echo json_encode('deleted');

I believe there is a cleaner way to do it. Any suggestions please what should i change in my code ? Thank you very much.



  1. You desperately need to fix the schema. Storing multiple values in a string is just wrong. But sometimes we are stuck with other people’s really, really, really bad decisions.

    I would suggest this structure:

    UPDATE table
        SET shareWith = TRIM(',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', ShareWIth, ','), CONCAT(',', ?, ',')) )
        WHERE reportName = ? AND
             CONCAT(',', shareWith, ',') LIKE CONCAT('%,', ?, ',%');

    That is, simplify the logic by putting delimiters around the searched string and the pattern.

    However, I will repeat: you should have a table with one value per report and share.

    Instead of the more flexible TRIM(), you can use spaces and TRIM() and REPLACE() instead:

        SET shareWith = REPLACE(TRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT(',', ShareWIth, ','), CONCAT(',', ?, ','))), ',', ' '), ' ', ',')

    This assumes that the string doesn’t have spaces, which makes sense for emails in a string.

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  2. Please try the following solution.

    It will work starting from SQL Server 2012 onwards.

    It is using XML and XQuery to tokenize email list, and remove not needed email. You can package it as a stored procedure with two parameters, @reportName and @emailToRemove.

    The CTE does all the heavy lifting:

    1. Converts email list into XML data type.
    2. Using XQuery to eliminate not needed email.
    3. Converts back to comma separated email list.


    -- DDL and sample data population, start
    INSERT INTO @tbl (reportName, ShareWith) VALUES
    ('IBM SH  data', '[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]'), 
    ('Samsung Sr', '[email protected],[email protected]'),
    ('Xiaomi MFG', ''),
    ('Apple US st', '[email protected],[email protected]'),
    ('LG EU', '[email protected]');
    -- DDL and sample data population, end
    DECLARE @reportName VARCHAR(30) = 'IBM SH  data'
        , @emailToRemove varchar(30) = '[email protected]'
        , @separator CHAR(1) = ',';
    ;WITH rs AS
        SELECT *
            , REPLACE(TRY_CAST('<root><r><![CDATA[' + 
                     REPLACE(ShareWith, @separator, ']]></r><r><![CDATA[') + ']]></r></root>' AS XML)
                     for $x in /root/r[lower-case((./text())[1]) ne lower-case(sql:variable("@emailToRemove"))]
                     return data($x)
                     ').value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)'), SPACE(1), @separator) AS modifiedShareWith
        FROM @tbl
        WHERE reportName = @reportName
    UPDATE t
    SET ShareWith = rs.modifiedShareWith
    FROM @tbl AS t
        INNER JOIN rs ON =;
     -- test
     SELECT * FROM @tbl;


    | ID |  reportName  |           ShareWith            |
    |  1 | IBM SH  data | [email protected],[email protected]   |
    |  2 | Samsung Sr   | [email protected],[email protected] |
    |  3 | Xiaomi MFG   |                                |
    |  4 | Apple US st  | [email protected],[email protected] |
    |  5 | LG EU        | [email protected]                 |
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