I have a JSON object.
Within this object I have an Object array named 'languages'
and in this array there are upwards of 1 languages object listed.
How would I construct a forEach
loop to access the 'name'
of each 'language'
Example of what the PHP cURL routine outputs:
languages: Array(4)
0: {iso639_1: "en", iso639_2: "eng", name: "English", nativeName: "English"}
1: {iso639_1: "fj", iso639_2: "fij", name: "Fijian", nativeName: "vosa Vakaviti"}
2: {iso639_1: "hi", iso639_2: "hin", name: "Hindi", nativeName: "हिन्दी"}
3: {iso639_1: "ur", iso639_2: "urd", name: "Urdu", nativeName: "اردو"}
length: 4
This is how the data is used in a popup rendered dynamically via js:
var popupCreateLanguagesResultTD = document.createElement("div");
popupCreateLanguagesResultTD.className = "col";
popupCreateLanguagesResultTD.innerText = result["languages"];
What I want it to look like: Languages Spoken: English, Fijian, Hindi, Urdu.
Example of JSON file structure:
"name": "Canada",
"topLevelDomain": [
"alpha2Code": "CA",
"alpha3Code": "CAN",
"callingCodes": [
"capital": "Ottawa",
"altSpellings": [
"region": "Americas",
"subregion": "Northern America",
"population": 36155487,
"latlng": [
"demonym": "Canadian",
"area": 9984670,
"gini": 32.6,
"timezones": [
"borders": [
"nativeName": "Canada",
"numericCode": "124",
"currencies": [
"code": "CAD",
"name": "Canadian dollar",
"symbol": "$"
"languages": [
"iso639_1": "en",
"iso639_2": "eng",
"name": "English",
"nativeName": "English"
"iso639_1": "fr",
"iso639_2": "fra",
"name": "French",
"nativeName": "français"
"translations": {
"de": "Kanada",
"es": "Canadá",
"fr": "Canada",
"ja": "カナダ",
"it": "Canada",
"br": "Canadá",
"pt": "Canadá",
"nl": "Canada",
"hr": "Kanada",
"fa": "کانادا"
"flag": "https://restcountries.eu/data/can.svg",
"regionalBlocs": [
"acronym": "NAFTA",
"name": "North American Free Trade Agreement",
"otherAcronyms": [],
"otherNames": [
"Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte",
"Accord de Libre-échange Nord-Américain"
"cioc": "CAN"
EDIT: I have tried
var popupCreateLanguagesResultTD = document.createElement("div");
popupCreateLanguagesResultTD.className = "col";
result["languages"].forEach(obj => {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([name, value]) => {
popupCreateLanguagesResultTD.innerText = (`${name} ${value}`);
But I get nativeName
and then the native name of the language. e.g French -> francais
You’re iterating over all the properties in the object, not the
to extract all thename
properties from the objects in that array, andjoin()
to combine them into a comma-separated string.So you have data
and want to output
i think you can do