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I have this form with two radio buttons that select ‘1’ or ‘0’.

<form id="f13form">
    <p class="info"><?php echo $row["fortress_13"]; ?></p>
    <span class="is-size-7 tag is-link"> 13:00 UTC</span>
    <label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="for13" value="1"/> Yes</label>
    <label class="radio"><input type="radio" name="for13" value="0"/> No</label>

and then the AJAX function to pass data to php file and then update a MySQL table

$('#f13form input').on('change', function(e) {
    type: "POST",
    url: "update_events_week.php",
    data: $('#f13form input').serialize(),
    cache: false,
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,
    success:  function(){

I found how to select the right form I want to handle (there are more in the page) but I’m confused about how to get the ‘1’ or ‘0’ from the form and send to php file.



  1. HTML

     <input type='radio' name='myradio' class='myradio' value='Yes'>
     <input type='radio' name='myradio' class='myradio' value='No'>


     $(document).on('change','.myradio',function() { // Listen for change on radio CSS class
     var myval = $("input[name=myradio]:checked").val();
     console.log(myval); // Checking we have the radio data, let's submit via AJAX
     url:"myserverfile.php", // Your PHP file name
     data:{myval:myval}, // The JS variable with the radio button data
     success:function() {
     // Do something else here?

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  2. Your ajax request has no content-type set, so your PHP script will not know how to interpret the data. Remove contentType: false, so that the content type will be set, also remove processData: false,.
    Preventing the default action of the radio button change event may not be desirable either.

    $('#f13form input').on('change', function(e) {
        type: "POST",
        url: "update_events_week.php",
        data: $('#f13form input').serialize(),
        cache: false,
        //contentType: false,
        //processData: false,
        success:  function(){
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