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i am using foundation reveal model but i am not able to pass dynamic url to data-ajax-url.

i want to pass dynamic in url but not i am able to append dynamic url .

currently i test on local url: "" here 21 is hard coded url i want to pass dynamic url.

reference i used:-

here is my code-

<div class="full reveal" id="exampleModal1" data-reveal data-ajax-url="">

  <button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close modal" type="button">
   <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

 <p><button class="button small warning button-margin-top fi-eye" data-open="exampleModal1"> View</button></p>


  $(document).on('open.zf.reveal', "#exampleModal1", function (e) {
  var $modal = $(this);
  var ajax_url = $"ajax-url");
  if (ajax_url) {
    $modal.html("Now Loading: "+ajax_url);
    $.ajax(ajax_url).done(function (response) {



  1. If you want to pass a dynamic URL, why don’t you just pass it in jquery instead of relying on data-attributes?

    var ajax_url = "" + + "/attendances/";
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  2. If you must work with data-attributes what about doing something like this:

    $(document).on('open.zf.reveal', "#login", function (e) {
      var $modal = $(this);
      var project_site_id = 21
      var ajax_url = $"ajax-url");
      var lastpos = ajax_url.lastIndexOf("/");
      var newUrl = ajax_url.substring(0, lastpos);
      var lastWord = ajax_url.substring(lastpos);
      newUrl += '/' + project_site_id + lastWord;
      $modal.attr("data-ajax-url", newUrl);
      if (ajax_url) {
        $modal.html("Now Loading: "+ajax_url);
        $.ajax(ajax_url).done(function (response) {
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
        <div id="login"  class="reveal text-center" data-reveal
        <a href="#login" data-open="login" class="button">
          Open Modal Form

    Obviously, you would need to replace my project_site_id variable with your variable.

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