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I have two json array. I’m trying to send these json array to my controller. When i want to send one of them, everything is fine but i couldnt’t send second one. How can i fix it ?

Post function from view

function HobiIlgiAlanKaydetGuncelle() {

    var hobiler = $('#Hobiler').val(); // Json array of object
    var ilgiAlanlar = $('#IlgiAlan').val();

        url: "/Kullanici/HobiVeIlgiAlanlariniKaydetGuncelle",
        type: "POST",
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {hobiler : hobiler,ilgiAlanlar : ilgiAlanlar},
        success: function (response) { }



public async Task<JsonResult> HobiVeIlgiAlanlariniKaydetGuncelle([FromBody] List<HobilerVM> hobiler, List<IlgiAlanlarVM> ilgiAlanlar)
   //When I put second parameter, both of them comes with null    


public class HobilerVM
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string value { get; set; }


public class IlgiAlanVM
    public int id { get; set; }
    public string value { get; set; }



  1. The issue is with the following line:

    data: {hobiler : hobiler,ilgiAlanlar : ilgiAlanlar}

    This is an object in javascript. The equivalent in c# should be:

    public class MyData {
        public List<HobilerVM> hobiler;
        public List<IlgiAlanlarVM> ilgiAlanlar;

    And then in your controller:

        public async Task<JsonResult> HobiVeIlgiAlanlariniKaydetGuncelle([FromBody] MyData data)
           //When i put second parameter, both of them comes with null    

    For more information, check Why does ASP.NET Web API allow only one parameter for POST method?

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  2. Web API doesn’t allow you to pass multiple complex objects in the
    method signature of a Web API controller method — you can post only a
    single value to a Web API action method. This value in turn can even
    be a complex object. It is possible to pass multiple values though on
    a POST or a PUT operation by mapping one parameter to the actual
    content and the remaining ones via query strings.Reference: How to pass multiple parameters to Web API controller methods and How WebAPI does Parameter Binding


    public class ComplexObject {
       property List<HobilerVM> Hobiler { get; set; }
       property List<IlgiAlanlarVM> IlgiAlanlar { get; set; }
    public async Task<JsonResult> HobiVeIlgiAlanlariniKaydetGuncelle([FromBody] ComplexObject data)
     //When i put second parameter, both of them comes with null    

    Happy coding, cheers!

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  3. I tried your code and it works fine for me except for some things.

    First your second parameter has a different ViewModel on what you have posted on your code:

    public class IlgiAlanVM
       public int id { get; set; }
       public string value { get; set; }

    But on your parameter, you are using a different ViewModel:

    ([FromBody] List<HobilerVM> hobiler, List<IlgiAlanlarVM> ilgiAlanlar)

    As you can see here, IlgiAlanVM is different on List<IlgiAlanlarVM>

    Second, I just I used the same code but without the [FromBody]. So that would be:

    //I already edited your List of Model here on the second parameter from IlgiAlanVM to IlgiAlanlarVM
    public async Task<JsonResult> HobiVeIlgiAlanlariniKaydetGuncelle
                              (List<HobilerVM> hobiler, List<IlgiAlanlarVM> ilgiAlanlar) 

    Lastly, I just make sure it’s an array of objects to make sure it will bind nicely on your list of models:

            var hobiler = [{
                id: 1,
                value: 'My Value'
            var ilgiAlanlar = [{
                id: 1,
                value: 'MyValue'
                url: '@Url.Action("HobiVeIlgiAlanlariniKaydetGuncelle", "Kullanici")',
                type: "POST",
                contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
                dataType: 'json',
                data: JSON.stringify({ hobiler : hobiler, ilgiAlanlar : ilgiAlanlar }),
                success: function (response) { }
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