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Trying to display all photos from a directory in a div.
Looking to show all portraits first, then squares, then landscapes last.
Will align and style later, but first I just need a point in the right direction on how to sort the results of a callback.


if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && isset($_POST['showphotos'])) {
    $af = glob("main/photos/*.*");
    for ($i=0; $i<16; $i++) {
        $iname = $af[$i];
        $supported_format = array('gif','jpg','jpeg','png','mp4');
        $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($iname, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
        if (in_array($ext, $supported_format)) {
            list($width, $height) = getimagesize($iname);
            if( $height / $width > 1.15) {
                $ori = "p";
            } elseif( $width / $height > 1.15) {
                $ori = "l";
            } elseif( $height / $width < 1.15) {
                $ori = "s";
            } elseif( $width / $height < 1.15) {
                $ori = "s";
            echo "<img class='".$ori.":' title='".$ori.$iname."' src='".$iname."' alt='".$iname."' height='300px' />";
        } else {
            die("something went terribly wrong you ditz!");

The above gets all the files, determines whether portrait/landscape/square, and sets a className of s, l, or c.

Script on Index.php

    $("#chme").children().hide(2000, function() {
        var id1 = 1;
                data:{showphotos: id1},
                success: function(pics){

Of course this puts all of the images into the div.
I thought I could filter them somehow by assigning each image a class name based on there orientation, but after many trials and errors I haven’t succeeded.
I know there must be some simple thing like attr('.p') or something. If this question is a duplicate please point me to the correct page. Thanks for any help.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    To achieve the results I needed to use .load instead of an ajax call.

    First I edited do1.php by taking out the if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]... and then changed the ehco statement to add a unique id.


      $af = glob("main/photos/*.*");
      for ($i=0; $i<24; $i++)
          $iname = $af[$i];
          $supported_format = array('gif','jpg','jpeg','png','mp4');
          $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($iname, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
          if (in_array($ext, $supported_format))
                  list($width, $height) = getimagesize($iname);
                    if( $height / $width > 1.33) {$ori = "p";}
                    elseif( $width / $height > 1.33) {$ori = "l";}
                    elseif( $height / $width < 1.33) {$ori = "s";}
                    elseif( $width / $height < 1.33) {$ori = "s";}
    echo "<img id='i".$i."' class='".$ori."' src='".$iname."' alt='".$iname."' height='280px' />";

    So now the page does not need to be AJAX, called just loaded. Also; Each image is assigned a unique id id='i0', id='i1', id='i2'..., and each element has an assigned class based on it's orientation (portrait=p, landscape=l, square=s).

    Next I added three span elements (#c1, #c2, #c3) into the div where I wanted the content to show (#supics).

    Next I edited my script to LOAD from do1.php insted of using the AJAX POST.

    Script on Index.php

        $("#chme").children().hide(2000, function() {
                $("#supics").css({"max-height": "700px", "overflow": "auto"});
    var $page = $('<div><div>').load('do1.php .p, .s, .l', //loads elements with classes of p, s, & l from do1.php
        function() {
    var $p = $page.find('.p'); //finds all class='p' elements & assigns $p as variable to them
    var $s = $page.find('.s'); //finds all class='s' elements & assigns $s as variable to them
    var $l = $page.find('.l'); //finds all class='l' elements & assigns $l as variable to them
        var ipics = [$p, $s, $l]; //putting variables in an array
        $('#c1').html(ipics[0]); //puts $p (all class.p elements) into element with id='c1'
        $('#c2').html(ipics[1]); //puts $s (all class.s elements) into element with id='c2'
        $('#c3').html(ipics[2]); //puts $l (all class.l elements) into element with id='c3'
           $(ipics[0]).addClass("fad"); //adds another class to all class.p elements for extra styling
           $(ipics[1]).addClass("fid"); //adds another class to all class.s elements for extra styling
           $(ipics[2]).addClass("fod"); //adds another class to all class.l elements for extra styling

    This may be dirty (though I'm no judge at determining that), but it allows me to load everything I need at once, then sort the content, and style it all anyway I need. I hope this helps someone out. Thank you all for the help.

  2. Instead of outputting the result directly, place the results of your orientation check into one of 3 arrays.

    Then loop over those arrays outputting what you want, you will also be able to change the attributes to fit the orientation this way.

    $port = [];
    $land = [];
    $sqar = [];
    $supported_format = array('gif','jpg','jpeg','png','mp4');
    $files = glob("main/photos/*.*");
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
        if (in_array($ext, $supported_format)) {
            list($width, $height) = getimagesize($iname);
            if( $height / $width > 1.15) {
                $port[] = $file;
            } elseif( $width / $height > 1.15) {
                $land = $file;
            } elseif( $height / $width < 1.15) {
                $sqar[] = $file;
            } elseif( $width / $height < 1.15) {
                $sqar[] = $file;
    $htm = '';
    foreach ($port as $file) {
        $htm .= "<img class='port' title='p$file' src='$file' alt='$file' height='300px' />";
    foreach ($sqar as $file) {
        $htm .= "<img class='sqar' title='s$file' src='$file' alt='$file' height='300px' />";
    foreach ($land as $file) {
        $htm .= "<img class='land' title='l$file' src='$file' alt='$file' height='300px' />";
    echo $htm;
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  3. And this is the jQuery Solution !

    var classes = $('img').map(function() {
        return $(this).attr('class');
    var sortedArray = classes.sort();
    var uniqueClasses = $.unique(sortedArray);
    $(uniqueClasses).each(function(i, v)
        $('.'+v).wrapAll('<div class ="orientation-'+v+'"></div>');
    <script src=""></script>
    <img class="l" title="$ori.$iname" src="" alt="$iname" height='300px' />
    <img class="p" src=""  alt="$iname" height='300px' />
    <img class="l" src=""  alt="$iname" height='300px' />
    <img class="c"  src="" alt="$iname" height='300px' />
    <img class="l" title="$ori.$iname" src="" alt="$iname" height='300px' />
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