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A little background is needed to explain this:

I have an old rails 2 app that has a form in a modal. when I submit this form it should update the database and close the modal. the generated form looks like so..

> <form action="/assignments/doattendance/767107" id="modalForm_767107"
> method="post" onsubmit="jQuery('.modal-backdrop').fadeOut(200,
> function(){jQuery(this).remove();});; new
> Ajax.Updater('Assignment_767107', '/assignments/doattendance/767107',
> {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
> parameters:Form.serialize(this)}); return false;">

If you look closely you will see a prototype Ajax call on this form. This is generated by the rails remote_form_for call in the erb file. Now. For “reasons” I can not use remote_form_for on the second page displaying this form and need to build the form normaly outside of rails using a <form id="monthForm> tag. But I need this prototype Ajax. I have jQuery installed and it is working on the site. So…

I have some prototype code I need to convert to jquery. But I keep running into an “.ajax is not a function” error…

Prototype code:

> new Ajax.Updater('Assignment_767107',
> '/assignments/doattendance/767107', {asynchronous:true,
> evalScripts:true, parameters:Form.serialize(this)});

  1. HOW DO I CONVERT THE ABOVE prototype code INTO JQUERY for my form?

I’ve read a similar question here…

What is the equivalent of Ajax.updater in Jquery?

…on this subject on StackOverflow and have built this based on that answer…


                            url: '/assignments/doattendance/',
                            type: "post",
                            dataType: "html",
                            data: {"Form.serialize(this)" : "Assignment_"},
                            success: function(returnData){
                            error: function(e){

Again, the form the ajax should be attached to is this…

<form id="monthForm">

BUT … I keep getting nothing, what am I doing wrong?



  1. ajax is a method on the jQuery object itself, not on an instance of it.

    You need jQuery.ajax() and not jQuery('#monthForm').ajax().

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  2. You want

    $("#monthForm").on("submit",function(e) { 
      e.preventDefault(); // stop the actual submission
      const data = $(this)-serialize()+"&Assignment_"; // or similar
        url: '/assignments/doattendance/',
        type: "post",
        dataType: "html",
        data: data ,
        success: function(returnData){
        error: function(e){
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