I am trying to remove the last action row when printing my webpage that uses a jQuery datatable. I am using datatable for showing data and that works, but when I try to print the default print option, it prints the edit/ delete part.
Here is my table :
<table id="dataTable" class="table table-bordered text-center">
<th width="5%">SN</th>
<th>Customer Code</th>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th>customer address</th>
<th>customer phone</th>
<th>customer city</th>
<th>customer email</th>
<th>openig due</th>
<th>customer status</th>
<th width="8%" class="text-center">Action</th>
@php $i=1; @endphp
@foreach($customer as $row)
<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-success">active</a>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger">deactive</a>
<td >
<a href="{{url('admin/customerEdit/'.$row->id)}}" class="btn btn-warning btn-sm waves-effect waves-light">
<i class="fa fa-edit"></i> <span>
<a href="{{url('admin/customerdlt/'.$row->id)}}" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm waves-effect waves-light" id="delete"> X
<i class="fa fa-delete"></i> <span>
and Here is my jquery for data table
processing: true,
serverSide: true,
aaSorting: [],
columnDefs: [ { orderable: false, targets: [0,-1] }],
ajax: dataUrl,
buttons: {
buttons: [
{ extend: 'excel', className: 'btn-outline-dark' },
{ extend: 'print', className: 'btn-outline-dark'}
}).buttons().container().appendTo('#dataTable_wrapper .col-md-6:eq(0)');
How can I remove last row when I click the print button?
You can use CSS to hide the last cell of the row along the
statement to perform that action only when the page is printed. Try this;You can hide elements when printing with CSS:
Now add the class to the buttons and other elements that you don’t want to print.
Another thing you can use the
value instead of the$i
variable. Laravel docsYou can do this in the javascript when declaring your buttons https://datatables.net/extensions/buttons/
Full example